University Research Council

Workshop on ‘Research Grant Proposal Writing’

October 30, 2023 @ Senate Room, University of Peradeniya


The University Research Council at the University of Peradeniya, in partnership with the 'nEUROcare project- 618596-EPP-1-2020-1-SE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP,' hosted a comprehensive workshop on "Research Grant Proposal Writing" on October 30, 2023. The event took place in the prestigious Senate Room at the university, offering an ideal setting for a productive and insightful workshop. The event was graced by the presence of a renowned resource person, Prof. Martin Persson, from the Faculty of Health Sciences at Kristianstad University in Kristianstad, Sweden.

The workshop was designed as an interactive session, with the primary objectives of raising awareness about the art of crafting grant proposals, elucidating the process of applying for international grants and addressing various issues and concerns related to grant applications.

Prof. Martin Persson, an eminent figure in the field of health sciences, brought a wealth of experience to the workshop. His expertise in securing international grants and research funding made him the perfect guide for the participants. Prof. Persson's presentation delved into the intricacies of research grant proposal writing, providing participants with valuable insights on key elements such as problem statements, objectives, methodology, budgeting, and impact assessment. He emphasized the importance of aligning proposals with the objectives and priorities of potential funding agencies.

The workshop was marked by active participation from attendees who raised questions, shared their own experiences, and engaged in stimulating discussions. Prof. Persson addressed their concerns and offered valuable advice on overcoming challenges in the grant proposal process. A significant part of the workshop was dedicated to demystifying the process of applying for international grants. Prof. Persson provided step-by-step guidance on identifying suitable funding opportunities, navigating application portals, and tailoring proposals to meet international standards.

The workshop concluded with an open forum for addressing participants' concerns and challenges related to grant proposals. Prof. Persson's practical advice and insights were instrumental in helping participants overcome hurdles and boost their confidence in securing research funding.